TERRASAT, INC. is a veteran-owned, multi-discipline consulting firm specializing in geological and environmental services.
Our staff of geophysicists, hydrogeologists, and environmental specialists specializes in characterization and evaluation of subsurface conditions.
Our areas of expertise includes low impact land development, stormwater management, ground water exploration, aquifer protection, phase I and II environmental site assessments, hazardous waste remediation, underground storage tank closures, and expert witness services.
TERRASAT creates strategic alliances with engineering firms, land planners, and attorneys.
Our team approach excels with innovative solutions, creating sustainable projects that are harmonious with the environment and surrounding neighborhoods.
This approach generates rapid success because our strategic alliance team has firm relationships with the agencies that grant approval.
Since its founding in 1983, TERRASAT has provided these services in all regions of Alaska. Project sites include military bases, mines, landfills, airports, residential subdivisions, commercial property, and oil production fields.
Clients include Federal and local governments, private developers, engineers and architects, the oil and mining industries, and law firms.
Our professionals have performed detailed investigations and provided expert testimonies allowing attorneys to settle environmental cases.
TERRASAT is classified as a small, Alaskan & Vietnam Service Disabled Veteran-owned business.
Our employees live and work in Alaska.
We look forward to helping you with your business.
Call us today at 907-344-9370 to discuss your needs.

Dan Young, President
Phone: 907-344-9370